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 Lista de avance individual

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2 participantes
Aguero Negro

Mensajes : 25
Fecha de inscripción : 08/11/2010
Localización : Argentina

Lista de avance individual Empty
MensajeTema: Lista de avance individual   Lista de avance individual Icon_minitimeDom Dic 19, 2010 10:39 pm

Progressions since 07 Dec

1 - watuperi [1:186:6] -> 2.651.345 points -> Rank : 1010 ( -26 ) -> Progression : +0 points with +0% -> 33

2 - masis [3:302:10] -> 2.022.862 points -> Rank : 1237 ( -5 ) -> Progression : +15.417 points with +0.76% -> 21

3 - -fuego- [3:17:7] -> 1.892.628 points -> Rank : 1291 ( -74 ) -> Progression : -148.325 points with -7.83% -> 37 Lista de avance individual Smiley168

4 - anarkia [3:358:7] -> 1.054.638 points -> Rank : 1781 ( +0 ) -> Progression : +0 points with +0% -> 33

5 - Tijeras [2:301:4] -> 846.254 points -> Rank : 1951 ( +92 ) -> Progression : +99.586 points with +11.76% -> 4

6 - brazan04 [1:107:7] -> 651.952 points -> Rank : 2156 ( +147 ) -> Progression : +104.046 points with +15.95% -> Lista de avance individual Smiley181

7 - Amparo [3:62:11] -> 597.798 points -> Rank : 2219 ( +24 ) -> Progression : +9.460 points with +1.58% -> 22

8 - bricaman [3:75:4] -> 522.470 points -> Rank : 2325 ( +174 ) -> Progression : +104.821 points with +20.06% -> Lista de avance individual Smiley183

9 - daniebl [9:354:12] -> 512.262 points -> Rank : 2336 ( -56 ) -> Progression : -49.487 points with -9.66% -> 36 Lista de avance individual Smiley168

10 - treak [1:223:7] -> 497.442 points -> Rank : 2356 ( +67 ) -> Progression : +35.781 points with +7.19% -> 11

11 - megajunior58 [1:32:8] -> 431.223 points -> Rank : 2453 ( +96 ) -> Progression : +45.880 points with +10.63% -> 9

12 - Theta [5:179:11] -> 401.118 points -> Rank : 2493 ( +142 ) -> Progression : +66.490 points with +16.57% -> 5

13 - PANZA [6:457:12] -> 386.237 points -> Rank : 2523 ( +131 ) -> Progression : +57.187 points with +14.8% -> 6

14 - jikara [2:59:11] -> 319.131 points -> Rank : 2653 ( +4 ) -> Progression : +1.209 points with +0.37% -> 28

15 - abuelo [3:21:6] -> 278.987 points -> Rank : 2737 ( +354 ) -> Progression : +117.405 points with +42.08% -> Lista de avance individual Smiley182

16 - damianydavid [3:390:10] -> 260.549 points -> Rank : 2784 ( +95 ) -> Progression : +30.525 points with +11.71% -> 12

17 - NCC-1701-D [3:110:4] -> 214.713 points -> Rank : 2910 ( +156 ) -> Progression : +46.890 points with +21.83% -> 8

18 - neCro [3:66:6] -> 163.460 points -> Rank : 3076 ( +208 ) -> Progression : +43.702 points with +26.73% -> 10

19 - soiber [3:84:6] -> 149.894 points -> Rank : 3134 ( +130 ) -> Progression : +26.917 points with +17.95% -> 13

20 - Einz [1:3:12] -> 122.448 points -> Rank : 3250 ( +49 ) -> Progression : +5.296 points with +4.32% -> 24

21 - elsabio [1:227:4] -> 97.757 points -> Rank : 3415 ( -10 ) -> Progression : +68 points with +0.06% -> 32

22 - almitrox [5:116:10] -> 94.876 points -> Rank : 3441 ( +119 ) -> Progression : +16.194 points with +17.06% -> 18

23 - ignoto [5:392:12] -> 92.028 points -> Rank : 3460 ( +167 ) -> Progression : +20.064 points with +21.8% -> 15

24 - Silvity [4:260:12] -> 58.572 points -> Rank : 3760 ( +1.386 ) -> Progression : +51.794 points with +88.42% -> 7

25 - Altaris [1:163:12] -> 56.932 points -> Rank : 3779 ( +237 ) -> Progression : +16.117 points with +28.3% -> 20

26 - xjosex [1:8:10] -> 52.952 points -> Rank : 3823 ( +294 ) -> Progression : +18.503 points with +34.94% -> 16

27 - zeetha [1:27:4] -> 45.543 points -> Rank : 3938 ( +270 ) -> Progression : +16.128 points with +35.41% -> 19

28 - chupacabras [4:9:12] -> 39.972 points -> Rank : 4033 ( +27 ) -> Progression : +1.633 points with +4.08% -> 27

29 - djfava [5:308:12] -> 33.471 points -> Rank : 4132 ( +589 ) -> Progression : +20.255 points with +60.51% -> 14

30 - fausto [1:467:4] -> 27.391 points -> Rank : 4261 ( -2 ) -> Progression : -108 points with -0.39% -> 35 Lista de avance individual Smiley168

31 - PeSniper [4:54:4] -> 21.933 points -> Rank : 4402 ( +1.078 ) -> Progression : +17.795 points with +81.13% -> 17

32 - Drizzt82 [1:4:4] -> 21.059 points -> Rank : 4423 ( +21 ) -> Progression : +521 points with +2.47% -> 29

33 - afo17 [5:257:12] -> 15.839 points -> Rank : 4575 ( +250 ) -> Progression : +4.653 points with +29.37% -> 25

34 - Freshak [1:10:4] -> 9.638 points -> Rank : 4862 ( +56 ) -> Progression : +338 points with +3.5% -> 30

35 - Waidmann [1:93:8] -> 6.169 points -> Rank : 5145 ( +844 ) -> Progression : +5.322 points with +86.27% -> 23

36 - Anticristo [1:134:4] -> 4.926 points -> Rank : 5304 ( +687 ) -> Progression : +4.082 points with +82.86% -> 26

37 - kesone [1:295:12] -> 590 points -> Rank : 5905 ( +28 ) -> Progression : +136 points with +23.05% -> 31

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Mensajes : 36
Fecha de inscripción : 18/08/2010

Lista de avance individual Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Lista de avance individual   Lista de avance individual Icon_minitimeDom Dic 19, 2010 11:33 pm

no esta mal esta semana casi 100K puntos me he hecho. Cuanta posición

Ahh muy buen trabajo
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